bathing in hot springs… from home

The filtration of your shower and bath water may be even more important than the water you drink.

That’s because showering and bathing in chlorinated water may expose us to even more chlorine and its byproducts than drinking water from the tap.

Chlorine is a chemical typically used as a disinfectant in public water supplies as an effective way to reduce the level of pathogenic bacteria in our tap water.

When chlorine is used as a water treatment, it combines with organic matter to form compounds called trihalomethanes (THMs), also known as disinfectant byproducts. One of the most common THMs formed is chloroform, which is a known carcinogen. Other THMs formed include the di- and trichloramines formed when chloramine is used as a disinfecting agent. These compounds are toxic when consumed, inhaled, or applied to the skin.

While our bodies can filter out much of the chlorine from our drinking water, the THMs and other disinfected byproducts we inhale during showers and baths may be much more harmful since the chlorine gas we inhale enters directly into our bloodstream. Research has shown that we absorb up to six times more chemicals through inhalation and skin absorption while bathing than drinking water. Did you know that a ten-minute shower can expose you to ten times more chemicals than drinking ten glasses of tap water?

The largest organ of our body – is our skin! So, not only are the products we use on our skin important, but the water we bathe in is just as important. What goes on our skin – ends up in our body.

This is one of the many reasons why we love having an Anespa in our homes. A shower filtration machine that removes all chlorine from your water and re-mineralizes it all at the same time.

Do you wish you visited hot springs even more than you already do? Don't you wish you could sit in hot springs… every day?

Not only does the Anespa completely remove all chlorine from your water using high quality, tourmaline infused filters, but it also contains a blend of natural hot spring ingredients and minerals from the Futumata Radium Onsen in Hokkaido, Japan, which is famous for its incredibly therapeutic waters.

The minerals, such as Tuta, generate activated, micro-clustered, mildly alkaline water which is extremely good for our skin and provide a relaxing experience. You can honestly feel the difference on your skin after just one shower!

Another mineral called Calcsinter, which is made of deposited and hardened calcific lime, with its main component being calcium carbonate, contains radium. So, it, too, adds to that relaxing onsen-like experience with the calcium dissolved in the bath water. (Onsen is Japanese for hot spring).

Then there is Chikutan which generates strong negative ions that give a relaxing effect as well. The heating / thermal effect is obtained from far-infrared radiation.

Learn more about this life-changing investment inside Know Your Why Co.


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